
If you are a human being, you hope. You attach your security, your sense of peace and rest to something every day. The question is not whether you hope, but what holds your hope. You and I are on a constant quest for hope.  We believe that hope has a name: Jesus.  

Going vertical or horizontal
Creator or creature?

There are only two places to put your hope. You rest the hope of your life in the hands of the Creator or you look to the creation for hope.

“Christ Jesus our hope” ~ 1 Timothy 1:1

At Hope Fellowship Church, God has given us the joyful mission of bringing the grace and hope of Jesus to our community!


Our vision is to make disciples who, to the glory of God:

  • Experience the grace and hope of Jesus in every part of their lives.
  • Share the grace and hope of Jesus in every part of their community.

We'd love to tell you more!