The Word Heard, Prayed, Preached, and Seen

Hope Fellowship gathers on Sunday evenings at 5 PM.  We currently meet at Oakwood First UMC.  Following the 2nd Sunday service, we have what we like to call our "Second Sunday Supper."  Plan to stay and enjoy a bowl of soup/chili - or sandwiches -in the fellowship hall after the service.  Come and be refreshed in the grace and hope of the Lord Jesus!   Directions to the church can be found HERE!

The Gospel of Mark
Winter Series

The gospels are named after their authors. Of the four histories of our Lord’s life, Mark is the shortest. His gospel is fast-paced and full of action, often using words like “immediately.” He reveals a Jesus who is on the move; there’s no fence-riding with him. We must respond actively. Our time in Mark begins January 12th!

I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the LORD!”

Psalm 122:1